A Day in the Snowy Sequoias

A Day in the Snowy Sequoias

There’s little I love more than photography in the snow, the high contrast provided by the bright snow and clear skies make for some truly ethereal images.

On a snowy outing where I was focused on creating a fun video showing the fun of playing in the snow I began to have technical issues with my video camera. Luckily I was carrying a backup camera and lens and was able to take some stills.

On the way up the mountain we had passed through the majority of the day’s cloud cover, which was extraordinarily fortunate as the weather at the foot of the mountains had been quite overcast. The weather on the mountain was beautifully clear with minimal haze and bright puffy clouds.

Unfortunately I was using the A65, which has an awful pinkish color cast that it gives every image, and for some reason is very persistent and difficult to remove in post. I spent a long time fiddling with the colors by eye in my RAW processor and finally managed to get the colors to a usable point and capture the feel of the day in this image.

Tilden's Animal Farm and Nature Area

Tilden's Animal Farm and Nature Area