Photography San Francisco From a Car Window

Photography San Francisco From a Car Window

Sometimes I will be performing a mundane task, in this case going to a doctor’s appointment in the city, and I will get a gut feeling that I just have to bring my camera. This was one of those days; a day where something about the air just felt like photography. Luckily on this day I wasn’t driving, so on the way into the city I was sat in the back seat, straining against my seatbelt with my hands out the sunroof.

In mid February the air was still chill, keeping the sky clear for miles. With not a cloud in sight the sky was a clear bright blue that faded smoothly into whiteness towards the horizon. This perfect blue sky was an interesting backdrop for the buildings that rose up around me as we drove through downtown. Nearly every image I saw was far above me, the contrast of steel and glass against blue catching my eye time and time again.

With traffic as awful as it frequently is in the afternoons heading across the bay bridge, golden hour quickly gave way to full on sunset as we sat in traffic on the bridge, allowing me to capture a few last minute shots of the city as it disappeared in the rearview mirror.

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Fabulous Flowers

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A Unique Image of the Google Pixel 2